In leaves no step had trodden black 落叶中,没有谁的脚把它们弄脏。
They came to the house , and around to the back , where there were no steps 他们到了屋前,车子绕到后门去,那儿是没有阶沿的。
Each step must be taken in turn and completed before moving on to the next . no step should be left out 每个步骤都需彻底达成,才能依序地往下一步.绝不能轻忽和省略任何一个步骤
Since step 4 is rendered first and there are no steps in the history , the previous button is not hidden 由于首先呈现的是步骤4 ,而且前面没有任何历史步骤,因此“上一步”按钮不会隐藏。
7 take note that this shipment is insured at our end covered by our open policy , therefore you have no steps to take regarding the insurance 注明此批货物已由收货方投保,所以贵方不用增加投保这一项。
The compulsory license may be terminated if the license , within one year after its grant , has made no steps towards preparation for the use of the variety 4授与强制授权后,被授权人如未在一年内采取准备使用该品种的步骤,得终止授权。
Therefore , no steps are required to decrypt the encrypted configuration settings for use by other asp . net features or to access the values in your code 因此,不需要任何步骤即可对已加密的配置设置进行解密,供其他asp . net功能使用或用于访问代码中的值。
We had heard no step on the grass - grown track ; the water running in the vale was the one lulling sound of the hour and scene ; we might well then start when a gay voice , sweet as a silver bell , exclaimed - 在杂草丛生的小径上,我们没有听到脚步声,此时此刻此情此景中,唯一让人陶醉的声音是潺潺的溪流声。因此当一个银铃似的欢快甜蜜的嗓音叫起来时,我们很吃了一惊:
The same evening on which the old prince gave alpatitch his instructions , dessalle asked for a few words with princess marya , and told her that since the prince was not quite well and was taking no steps to secure his own safety , though from prince andreys letter it was plain that to stay on at bleak hills was not free from danger , he respectfully advised her to write herself , and send by alpatitch a letter to the governor at smolensk , and to ask him to let her know the position of affairs and the degree of danger they were running at bleak hills 就在公爵给阿尔帕特奇作指示的那天晚上,德萨尔求见玛丽亚公爵小姐,告诉她说,鉴于公爵健康欠佳,而且对自己的安全也未采取任何措施,而据安德烈公爵的来信看,显然留在童山是不安全的,因此他恭敬地劝她亲自给总督写一封信,让阿尔帕特奇带到斯摩棱斯克,求他把战局和童山所受到的威胁程度告诉她。
What would sonya , and the count , and the countess have done , how would they have felt if they had taken no steps , if they had not had those pills at certain hours , and the warm beverage , and the chicken cutlets , and all the detailed regime laid down by the doctors , which gave occupation and consolation to all of them 他们怎么可以什么也不做地看着,如果不按时给丸药给温和的饮料鸡肉饼不遵守医生对一切生活细节的嘱咐遵照医嘱做这些事是全家的慰藉,那么,索尼娅伯爵和伯爵夫人又能做些什么呢?